PyTorch Training Program

What is this?

It is a useful PyTorch Training Program I found in GitHub.

It can help you become familiar with using PyTorch and quickly build deep learning projects.

How to use it?

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide for beginners on how to download and run a project from GitHub.

Step 1: Create a GitHub Account (Optional)

  • Why? While you can download projects without an account, having one allows you to contribute to projects and keep track of repositories you’re interested in.
  • How?
    1. Go to GitHub.
    2. Click on “Sign up” in the top-right corner.
    3. Follow the instructions to create your account.

Step 2: Install Git (Optional)

  • Why? Git is a tool that allows you to manage and track changes in your projects. It’s helpful for downloading (cloning) repositories.
  • How?
    1. Visit the Git downloads page.
    2. Choose your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux) and follow the installation instructions.

Note: If you prefer not to install Git, you can download projects directly as ZIP files. This guide will cover both methods.

Step 3: Find the Project You Want to Download

  1. Go to GitHub and use the search bar at the top to find the project you’re interested in. Here I have provided the tutorial link above.
  2. Click on the project repository from the search results. A repository is like a folder that contains all the project files.

Step 4: Download the Project

Option 1: Using Git (Cloning)

  1. On the project’s main page, look for a green button labeled “Code” and click on it.
  2. A dropdown will appear with a URL. Copy this URL.
  3. Open your computer’s command prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS/Linux). (if you have questions, ask ChatGPT)
  4. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the project using the cd command. For example: cd Desktop
  5. Type the following command and press Enter: git clone [URL]. Here is should be: git clone
  6. Git will download the project into a new folder on your computer.

Option 2: Downloading as a ZIP File

  1. On the project’s main page, click the green “Code” button.
  2. In the dropdown, click “Download ZIP”.
  3. Once downloaded, locate the ZIP file on your computer (usually in the Downloads folder).
  4. Right-click the ZIP file and select “Extract All” to unzip it into a folder.

Step 5: Open the Project

  1. Ensure you have Python installed. You can download it from
  2. Open the command prompt or terminal, navigate to the project folder, and run.
  3. I recommend you use Anaconda3 to help manage the python environment, and use Pycharm or JupyterLab to open the tutorials.

Step 6: Install Dependencies

  • Many projects require additional libraries or packages to work correctly. These are called dependencies.
  • How? Look for a file like or documentation in the project folder. It usually contains instructions on how to install dependencies.
    • For example, if there’s a requirements.txt file (common in Python projects), you can install dependencies by running: pip install -r requirements.txt

Enjoy your journey!


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